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 Section I, Name


This chapter shall be called the “Sandhills Bassmasters of Moore County”.

 Section II, Purpose

To stimulate public awareness of bass fishing as a major sport. To offer our State Conversation Department our organized moral and political support and encouragement. To promote full adherence to all conservation codes and to demand adequate water standards. To detect and report any polluter and call public and political attention to their crime. To improve our skills as bass anglers through a fellowship of friendly exchange of expert bass catching techniques and ideas, to promote and encourage youth fishing, and a love for this great recreation. To function as a dynamic and effective link with other chapters of the TBF, State FLW Chapter Federation and FLW. Embracing the principles and purposes of the TBF and FLW.

ARTICLE II- Membership

 Section I: Number of members

The chapter shall begin with and maintain at least 6 charter members. Total general membership shall not exceed 30 members and shall endeavor to keep non-boaters to 40% or less.

Section II: Requirement for Membership

To become a chapter member, a person shall:

  • Voluntarily express a genuine interest in
  • Be recommended by a member at a regular monthly meeting. Members may vote the prospective member in for a trial period of at least 90 days and three regularly scheduled tournaments. Majority vote stands for the entire trial
  • Sponsoring member then acts as “guardian” during the trial
  • During the trial period, the prospective member is/and:
    1. To fish as a non-boater in at least three different tournaments with three different club members, excluding the sponsoring
    2.  Shall pay no dues and will not be eligible to receive club trophies or monies from First, Second, or Third place finishes. The exception being that if he enters the big fish pot he will be eligible to receive the big fish prize
  • During the trial period:

The prospective members points will be accumulated and upon acceptance into the club. Said points for 3 tournament’s and 3 meetings will be added to the clubs point roster, and the new member’s position will be reflected by those by those points.

  • At the first regularly scheduled club meeting, following the perspective members third fished The prospective member will be asked to abstain from that meeting. At which time the club members will discuss and vote on the prospective member(s) being excepted into the club. Vote shall be by secret ballot and affirmation must be unanimous.
  • Prospective members will be notified by a club officer regarding the clubs decision regarding their
  • Prospective members will automatically receive 16 points for the club meeting he is required to abstain from during the voting
  • Once accepted into the club, new members will start paying dues and be eligible for all club benefits and trophies.
  • Club members must be at least 16 years of age
  • Any member that is considered a minor/youth by the State of NC. Shall be required to fill out and return a “youth Application form” signed by them and a Parent or Legal Guardian..
Section III: Membership Dues 
  • The membership dues shall be $15.00 monthly, payable upon being voted into the club after the probationary period and every month

(B.) Any member that is 3 months behind in payment of club dues will not be allowed to receive points at meetings or tournaments, nor will they be eligible to receive prizes at tournaments. Points that are lost cannot be made up. If any member becomes 5 months behind in dues he will have all privileges of Sandhills Bassmasters revoked.


Section I: Officers and their Duties 

The officers of the Chapter shall consist of:

  • President: Preside over all meetings and direct all official business. Appoint and be an executive official member of all committees. Supervise all club functions. Tie breaker on all votes regarding club functions (excluding )
  • Vice President: Act as program chairman, assist the President in duties and preside in the absence of the President. Chairman of the Tournament Committee. Run all

Club tournaments. Tie breaker on all votes regarding club tournaments

  • Secretary: Maintain accurate minutes of all regular and special meetings as called for by the Chapter President. Maintain regular liaison between the chapter and the FLW and the North Carolina
  • Treasure: Collect and disperse all moneys. (With the exception of tournament monies which shall be collected before and dispersed at the close of weigh-in at each tournament, by the tournament director) Maintain accurate financial records and present a current balance report at each regular meeting. Prepare an annual audit for review by the Chapter Board of Directors.
  • Chaplain: To (or ask another member to) deliver prayer at all club functions. To contact members in cases of
  • 2 Board Members: To meet with board of directors when executive decisions are to be made
Section II: Elections

The election of officers shall be held annually at a regular meeting during the month of November. Nominations for officers may be made at the October meeting.

Elections shall be by a simple majority of members present. Election for each officer shall be held separately in order listed in Article III, Section I. Elections will be held by secret ballot.

Section III: Term of Office

The Term of Office is for One Year which begins on January 1st and ends on the last day of December. The elected slate of officers shall serve until the last meeting day of December the following year.

Section IV: Vacancies

In the event of an office becoming vacant, nominations shall be asked and an election held to fill

the unexpired term of the individual vacating the office.

Section V: Eligibility for holding Office

To be eligible for an office, a member must:

  • Have been a member for One
  • Have attended at least 3/4 of the Chapter meetings and 3/4 of the Chapter
  • Have shown an active interest in all Chapter


All Standing Committees will serve for one year or until a new committee is appointed. The terms of the committee members will coincide with that of the President. Each member will be expected to be on a committee. The president and vice-president will appoint all committees.

Board of Directors:
  • The Board of Directors will consist of 7 members:

President, Vice-President, Sectary, Treasurer, Chaplain, and two Board Members elected at large by majority vote of the members present at the September regular meetings.

  • The President will call all meetings of the Board of Directors and will preside at such
  • The Secretary will record the minutes of these
  • The Board will decide all protests and rule in all violations of the tournament rules and by-laws of the Chapter when appropriately
  • Youth Committee: The purpose of this committee shall be to plan, organize and implement a Chapter Youth Project to introduce young people to the goals of the TBF: to give them a basis for respect of our national heritage, and appreciation of the basic rules of honesty, integrity, fair play and good sportsmanship, and to give them an introduction to the sheer joy of fishing. And to handle any Kids fish for fun
  • Tournament Committee: The purpose of the tournament committee shall be to plan, organize and operate all Chapter tournaments. The tournament committee will draft tournament rules which must then be approved by the general The committee will keep tournament records, enforce all tournament rules and investigate all protests concerning tournaments. Tournament Committee will consist of the Board of Directors.


Section I: Removal of Membership 

A member shall be dropped from the membership role for the following:

  • Failure to pay dues. (Article II, Section III-(b).)
  • Any action which would reflect dishonor and disgrace on this chapter, including lying and obsessive profanity All action to be taken by the Board of
  • Failure to attend 50% of the chapter meetings and 50% of chapter functions during a 12-month period. (Unless absence is do to: illness, work related, or they have requested a leave of absence).


Section I: Requirements for Affiliation
  • Approval of Chapter Charter by TBF/FLW.
  • Update TBF/FLW. with a Chapter membership roster once each year, upon receipt of current TBF/FLW. roster at years
  • Names and addresses of new members joining the chapter during the year must be submitted to TBF/FLW. as they occur. The necessary forms are included in the Chapter Handbook.
  • Maintain a minimum of 6 members to comply with TBF/ FLW.
  • Support State Federation conservation and youth programs. Including any additional requirements that the State Federation establishes for chapters, such as membership dues, attendance at meeting, etc. would be necessary in order for the Chapter to participate in the State Federation qualifying tournaments, and any other federation sponsored tournaments or


 Section I: Amending the Constitution and By-Laws Including Tournament Rules

The constitution and by-laws may be amended at November meeting by a 2/3 majority vote of the members present, The Tournament Rules may be amended at any regular meeting provided the proposed amendment has been made a motion and second 30 days prior to that meeting.


Section I: Phone Calls 
  • There will be no decisions made during phone conversations in regards to Sandhills Bassmasters
  • If an issue needs an immediate decision, the President will call an emergency meeting. Majority vote during this meeting will stand.
  • If no one meets the President decides.


The following rules and regulations of the Sandhills Bassmasters are set forth by the tournament committee. The interpretation of these rules will be by the committee. The vice-president is the chairman of this committee.

  1. Tournaments are open to Sandhills Bassmasters club members and approved guests only, unless there is an open
  1. Tournaments consist of competition in the Large Mouth Bass, Small Mouth Bass, and Spotted Bass
  1. Tournaments will be held regardless of weather conditions. However, the tournament Committee may change dates, starting times and locations for the safety of its
  1. Fishing must be with one rod and reel at a time, No Trolling, and any fish caught on an unattended rod will be disqualified, No live bait will be used e.. Artificial lures only. (Pork trailers designed for the purpose of dressing baits may be used.)
  1. A 4-ounce penalty of the total creel weight will be deducted for each dead
  2. All boats must be coast guard approved and have some type of live well with working aerator.
  3. There will be a penalty of (16) ounces deducted off the total creel weight for each one

(1) minute a contestant is late for weigh-in. Any contestant who fails to check in within ten

(10) minutes of weigh-in time will be disqualified, with the exception of those with mechanical trouble resulting in which the boat must be towed in. You are considered present if you are within the no wake zone of the landing. It is the responsibility of the tournament director  to verify time with another officer.

  1. Any member who’s boat has broken down is required to contact another fishing member two hours prior to weigh-in. Unless he has broken down after that time at which he is required to contact a fishing member as soon as is possible to gain assistance, and in order for his weight to count for that day. He is also required to stop fishing by the tournaments designated stopping
  2. Personal floatation devices (P.F.D.) will be worn when the boat is on plane or operating at speeds faster than idle speed, and always at Blast off regardless of the
  3. Tournament scores will be based on the total weight in pounds and ounces (one point per ounce) by each contestant. Daily creel limit will be consistent with the State creel limit in force. Sixteen (16) points will be awarded to each member for showing up at the tournament. Sixteen (16) points will be awarded for attending the regular scheduled meeting or any club
  4. All protest must be made within thirty (30) minutes after the weigh-in time to the President or the vice-president. (Then it will be brought before the Board of Directors).
  5. In case of a tie for any position, they will be decided in order by:
    1. Big fish
    2. Number of fish
    3. Flip of a coin
  6. Lake of tournament will be off limits the week of tournament from Sunday night at 11:59pm until the following Saturday’s (With the exception of two-day tournaments, for which there will be no off limits.)
  7. Tournaments will be no longer than 9 hours. (With the exception of two-day tournaments, for which there will be no maximum time limit.) There is no minimum time limit.
  8. Nominations for lakes will include if Day or Night
  9. Any member who does not show for a tournament in which said person would fish, without contacting an officer twelve (12) hours prior to tournament, will be charged Sixteen (16) points and will still be responsible for one half of his partner’s

The penalty is to be recorded in the minutes of the meeting and will be used For future reference.

  1. Big Fish pot $ 5.00 and is mandatory for members. Guest may also participate in Big Fish.
  2. The mandatory tournament entry fee is $15.00 and pays back 3 places. 1st $7 per person

2nd $5 per person 3rd $3 per person

Tournament money may be paid at the meeting the Monday before the tournament. All money must be paid before blast-off, any unusual conditions will be decided on by the tournament director. (Members paying day of tournament are required to bring change and must pay before launching boat.)


  1. Fishing Partners will be decided (and may be drawn) at the meeting before each tournament. (If drawn) The boaters and the non-boaters will alternate drawing Each member is allowed to put back one name and redraw one time per year. Non-boaters are responsible for half of the gas for the truck and the boat for that tournament. There is a

$30.00 minimum, if ether partner does not feel that this a fair amount at that time they may request to go to the pumps. (Truck and boat should be full before tournament.)

Non-boaters are entitled to one half day on lake location, boater receives first choice. Boater reserves the right to say how much equipment the non-boater may bring on his boat.

  1. All Tournaments will be based on North Carolina Wildlife Creel Limits on all lakes are 5 fish per man. More than 5 fish will result in a penalty of weight of the largest fish.
  1. Violation of any rules may be cause for suspension or disqualification from the tournament and/or the club. Appeals should be directed to the Board of Directors within

(30) Days of the incident in writing.

  1. No alcoholic beverages will be allowed in the boat during tournament
  1. Blast off order will be drawn at meeting, members not attending meeting will be drawn last.
  1. In the event the only 2 people catch fish 3rd place money will be split between 1st and 2nd place, If only one member catches fish that member will receive all money for all places and big fish.